Monday, 19 January 2015

Workout Of The Week - Resting Lifts

The name of this session may be a little confusing, but it is actually quite simple - rest at the bottom of each rep!  This session is a great way to increase your strength at the bottom of a rep, the most difficult part of the rep.  Bench press is the easiest exercise to explain this way of lifting so here goes! 

If you are lifting in a power rack with spotting bars this works best, however you can just rest on your chest.  Lower the bar down as normal and pause and relax for 2 seconds once you hit the bar/chest then press with as much power as possible.  The same format can be used for most exercises, both push and pull.

As this is a session essentially looking at strength you should be looking at completing 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps of 3-5 different exercises.  You can superset with other exercises but try to make them lighter exercises for 10-15 reps.  Adding flyes with bench press for example.

This is a deficult session as once you have rested the elastic energy stored during the downward phase of a movement is negated by the rest.  The muscles stretch shorten cycle is removed, meaning the focus is specifically on rapid concentric contraction.

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